New Members in 2015
The Ozark Cave Diving Alliance is pleased to announce the newest addition to the team, Laura Battle. Laura started cave diving in 2013 and completed over two hundred cave dives in Mexico and Florida over the summers of 2013 and 2014. She interned at The Dive Outpost, a technical dive shop in Florida, is a member of the University of Texas Grotto, exploratory projects at Jacob’s Well (TX), and sump diving activities at Honey Creek Cave, the longest known cave in Texas. We look forward to working with her on our exploratory projects! 11-18-2015
The Ozark Cave Diving Alliance would like to announce a new addition to the team, Joseph McCord. Welcome aboard, sir. 11-19-2105
The Ozark Cave Diving Alliance would like to announce the newest addition to the team, Tucker Palmatier. Welcome aboard! 12-28-2105