A section of dry cave passage that is filled with water is called a sump. Therefore sump diving is a mixture of dry caving and cave diving. These are often times some of the more physically demanding projects as team members are required to haul heavy gear through multiple dry passages. Also, these sumps are typically very low in visibility due to silt disturbance.

    To the right are a few locations that some of the team members have worked on in conjunction with various grottos and other organizations.  While not everyone is into sump diving and the usual gear humping that comes with it, it can sure be a rewarding experience. Some of the OCDA team members have an NSS background with dry caving and vertical experience.

Ralph Sawyer, one of the seventeen dry cavers who joined the OCDA in the New Mertz to Crevice Cave connection attempt.
Ralph Sawyer, one of the seventeen dry cavers who joined the OCDA in the New Mertz to Crevice Cave connection attempt.